Inside each of us lives a voice, a very calm and quiet voice. And from time to time, when we still ourselves long enough to listen, we can hear the voice. But on most days the voice is drowned out by any number of louder voices. The voice of discontent. The voice of reason. The voice of dogma. The voice of knowledge. And all of the other myriad voices that fill our heads, each with their own outsized megaphone.
But all of these other, louder voices are under our control. We can silence them at will. The quiet voice though, is outside of our control. It will not be silenced. When all of the other voices have faded, we can hear it speak, and it does so with clarity and purpose. It does not speak in riddles or of falsehoods. It simply speaks, megaphoneless, waiting for us to discover the capacity to hear it.
So we must be constantly pruning the weedlike voices that, if left unattended, will grow to cover the one single flower that we are in search of.
So how do we discover this capacity? How do we prune the louder weedy voices? Honestly? It’s something I am still working on. But I know that activities like writing, walking, and swimming help me. I know that spending time in the wilderness always brings me closer. I know that by learning to practice gratitude and mindfulness, the other voices settle and I begin to listen.
So how do we discover the capacity? We find the things that work for us and allow the distractions to fade away, and when the clarity of the quiet voice resonates, we get to listen.
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